Martin Creates, based in North London, has been booked for plenty of professional photography and videography for kids birthday parties in London. There’s no bad time of year for a children’s birthday party. A lot of parents avoid winter because it’s colder, and that certainly makes sense if you’re planning something outdoors. However, there’s lots of fun to be had from indoor games such as bowling for young teens, to singalongs for toddlers, and more.

The truth is, when it comes to photography especially, children are naturally photogenic because they’re usually happy, curious and/or playful in almost any given moment - which is ideal for photography. Adults tend to feel the “pressure” more which tends to dampen their desire for being photographed. As a professional photographer, this is a shame and also my mission to bring the fun back in photoshoots. Capturing beautiful moments of parents interacting with their kids is something that I always look forward to because I know in decades and generations to come, those stills will become cherished possession.
After enough time has passed, something that money once bought, can no longer be bought.
Tip 1: Eye contact or not to-eye-contact?
We can see in the images above that looking away from the camera can create a totally different story from this child's first birthday party. They were taken almost at the same time. Looking into the camera can send a serious message and interacting with the baby creates a deeper almost more enjoyable one to look at. There's no right or wrong it's up to the parent to decide how they want the images to be remembered and the photographer photographing the party plays a crucial role in bringing the vision together.
Top Tip 2: Babies are hard to pose and that's okay

It will be one to look back on and laugh - and that's absolutely fine. There will be more photos to choose from but including funny ones like this in the final album tend to have the strongest longevity.
Top Tip 3: Don't forget the grandparents

I never had the privilege to meet my grandfathers, but I loved my grandmother more than anything. Now that she's no longer with us, I frequently go through pictures of us as a reminder of the amazing times we spent together. That includes pictures of us taken on disposable Kodak cameras. Don't forget to involve the grandparents if possible.
In summary, photographing at birthday parties for children - whether they be small 1-year-olds or young teens - should be an enjoyable experience filled with fun moments that will become part of every parent's photo album in years to come. I hope you've enjoyed seeing my work from Maya's first birthday party and learning some tips in this photography article.
I am a professional freelance photographer and videographer based in London, UK. I started Martin Creates in order to help empower people and brands worldwide. One of the ways I do that is by publishing blogs with free information to help any creatives out there reading this. I welcome you to check out my work on this website as well as my newly launched site
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.