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We launched the first razor in the Schick Hydro Sense product line with shock absorption technology through an evolution story of the brand's Hydrobot character. We brought to life the razor's unique capabilities and features with a series of engaging, dynamic videos set inside the inventor's lab.


Project Name: Free Your Skin

Client: Schick Hydro Sense, Edgewell

Media: TV Broadcast, Online Video, Out-of-Home, Digital


Creative Team: Logan Betsch, Devon Wood, Billy Faraut

Producer: Andrea Rodriguez


Online Videos

Razor Upgrade

Three Cartridge Laboratory



We created quick, thumb-stopping cut downs of the full-length videos, strategically highlighting the new razor's differentiating feature: the shock absorbing hinge.


In Store Promotion

We created a coupon that activates when customers open their camera over the barcode. As customers move their phone, Hydrobot jumps off the coupon and into the aisle, showing off his improved look and new hinging torso. To redeem the Schick coupon, customers simply show the cashier their snapped photo of Hydrobot at check-out.

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